August 9, 2013
Hi everyone! I am Masuda, editor in chief.
Today I would like to talk about covering gray hair color.
We see a lot of articles in beauty magazine about aging skin and body problems, however we do not find so much articles focusing on gray hair.
Everybody in our generation wants to know, however information on gray hair is limited in media source. Even when asking hair dressers, we do not get satisfying answers.
UNIQUE PIECE is eager to provide sufficient information on gray hair.
When we talk about how to cover gray hair, they way of doing it depends on the ratio of gray hair.
If someone has a high ratio of gray hair, there is a way to apply gray hair color all over the hair. On the contrary, if the ratio is low, there is a technique to apply highlight to make a gray color shade off. There is another technique to apply gray hair color to root of hair and apply normal hair color from middle of the hair.
To make is short, there are two ways; either hiding the gray hair or making the best part of gray hair.
In terms of making the best part of gray hair, I found an impressive article on February edition of fashion magazine “STORY.” The article introduces the technique of the colorist from hair salon “kakimoto arms” who is considered as one of the best colorists in Japan. Please check out the article!
UNIQUE PIECE, with Mr. Hamaguchi, will take a close look at gray hair to answer your questions, such as;
What is the difference between gray coverage hair color and normal hair color,
How gray hair grows.
Stay with us!
Text by Yumi Masuda