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  • Hair style from 40's

    Column, Hair care

    Hair care lesson by Hama-chan (vol.10) The process of getting grey or white hair

    October 14, 2013


    The topic for today is about grey or white hair.  For most of us is not necessary an easy subject to talk about, but we are all desperate to know about it.



    The process for getting grey or white hair has not yet been totally discovered. First of all, hair is made of protein called keratin, as in nails. Therefore, the color of hair is originally white as nails.


    I didn’t know that.



    The cells called melanocytes produce melanin to protect our scalp and head, the most important part of our body, from ultraviolet radiation. Melanin is the pigment primarily responsible for the hair colour. In other words, melanin is a pigment which gives color to our hair.



    I see. It is very deep discussion.



    When the activity of melanocytes goes down, the hair loose its color. We have heard a famous  story of someone whose hair turned into white over night, but it is not proven scientifically. I think it was a myth from the old time.





    Next, let me explain about the process of getting grey hair.



    I am very curious about that.



    We have leaned that ageing slow down the activity of melanocytes which causes loosing the colour of hair. However, we still do not know which substance actually influence the activity of melanocytes to reduce its activity, so it is difficult for us to have a complete solution.



    That’s right.



    The best we can do for now is to activate the cells by having a good blood circulation and giving a good nutrition to the body.

    Not having a nutritionally balanced diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, smoking cigarette, stress are the main causes for bad blood circulation. So we need to improve our life habit, then massage and lift scalp upwards could help to activate the cells.

    For nutrition side, good protein and collagen are good for scalp, zinc and vitamin E help healthy growth of hair, and vitamin C prevents us from ageing.



    The world cannot be created in one day!



    Yes, we need to work on step by step.

    At the end of today’s lecture, I would like to answer the frequently asked question; “Do we have more grey/white hair if we keep pulling grey/white hair out.”



    I desperately want to know the answer!



    The answer is NO.  It is not logical that pulling out one hair affects the activity of melanocytes. We should worry more about not growing hair from the pores again.

    So the best way is to not pull out but cut with scissors.

    To be honest, sometime I pull out my grey hair from the part where I have a lot of hair. There is high possibility of having grey/white hair again from the same pores, so I pull out my hair wishing the grey hair never grow again from the pores, but it is not recommended.



    It was an academic lecture today.



    The topic was a little off from hair care industry. Next time, I will talk about treatment of grey/white hair at hair salon.



    Lecturer: Yuichi Hamaguchi

    Hair Salon: Cura

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