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  • Hair style from 40's

    Hairstyles, Long hairstyle

    Beautiful long hair for woman in her 40s

    December 13, 2013

    Michiko Kamokari, 47 years old, is an esthetician.

    “Due to my profession as esthetician that touch clients’ body daily, I think I am sensetive for getting people’s energy.” Michiko said.


    Michiko feel a lot of positive energy from SHINO, her hair stylist and staff at the hair salon, FORTE.

    “There is a tense but positive atmosphere at FORTE. All their staff are younger than  me, but I have a high respect for all of them.” Michiko said.




    SHINO has been Michiko’s hair stylist for last 5 years.

    “SHINO is special and different from other hair stylist.” Michiko said.


    Michiko’s concern is her thin hair which has no stiffness.

    What is SHINO’s solution strategy for Michiko’s concern?




    “Since Michiko ties up her hair at work, I proposed a cut and color looks great when she ties up her hair.” SHINO said.


    She cut bang up to chin to have an effect to look her face smaller, applied low layers over the hair, and focused on straight line by blunt cut, left enough volume at the end of hair which is easy to be tied up.




    Base for the color is one tone olive beige, applied 10 tone violet brown to the surface and hairline along the neck to give a cool look when Michiko ties up her hair. Carefully and fully applied highlight have 2 effects; three-dimentional shape and soft texture look.

    Michiko’s straight hairstyle looks simple but there are a lot of techniques behind.


    For styling, SHINO blows without making parting and creates glossy look by hair iron, then she put oil treatment at the end of her hair to finish. It is how she create chic, glossy, matured hairstyle for Michiko.




    “I love the color and glossy texture. The style has a harmony due to SHINO’s cutting techniques.”

    Michiko seems happy and satisfied with her new style.


    “Staff at FORTE makes me to think that I would like to be a hairstyle if I have another life.  Hairstylist is a profession which requires fighting spirit, techniques, and sense of beauty, that is challenging but gives a lot of rewards.”  Michiko has a high respect for their professionalism.


    It is lucky to find a hairstylist who creates great hairstyle and gives a lot of positive energy.


    Hair Salon: FORTE

    Hairstylist: SHINO

    Official website:

    Photo by Akio Nakamura

    Text by Hanako Maruyama

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